Golioth Firmware SDK
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typedef enum golioth_status(* stream_read_block_cb) (uint32_t block_idx, uint8_t *block_buffer, size_t *block_size, bool *is_last, void *arg)


enum golioth_status golioth_stream_set_async (struct golioth_client *client, const char *path, enum golioth_content_type content_type, const uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_len, golioth_set_cb_fn callback, void *callback_arg)
enum golioth_status golioth_stream_set_sync (struct golioth_client *client, const char *path, enum golioth_content_type content_type, const uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_len, int32_t timeout_s)
enum golioth_status golioth_stream_set_blockwise_sync (struct golioth_client *client, const char *path, enum golioth_content_type content_type, stream_read_block_cb cb, void *arg)
struct blockwise_transfer * golioth_stream_blockwise_start (struct golioth_client *client, const char *path, enum golioth_content_type content_type)
void golioth_stream_blockwise_finish (struct blockwise_transfer *ctx)
enum golioth_status golioth_stream_blockwise_set_block_async (struct blockwise_transfer *ctx, uint32_t block_idx, const uint8_t *block_buffer, size_t data_len, bool is_last, golioth_set_block_cb_fn callback, void *callback_arg)

Detailed Description

Functions for interacting with Golioth Stream service.


Typedef Documentation

◆ stream_read_block_cb

typedef enum golioth_status(* stream_read_block_cb) (uint32_t block_idx, uint8_t *block_buffer, size_t *block_size, bool *is_last, void *arg)

Read block callback

This callback will be called by the Golioth client each time it needs to fill a block.

When the callback runs, the buffer should be filled with block_size number of bytes. When the last block contains fewer bytes, set block_size to the actual number of bytes written. Set is_last to indicate all data has been written to buffer.

block_idxThe index of the block to fill
block_bufferThe buffer that this callback should fill
block_size(in/out) Contains the maximum size of block_buffer, and should be set to the size of data actually placed in block_buffer. Value must be > 0 when this function returns GOLIOTH_OK.
is_last(out) Set this to true if this is the last block to transfer
argA user provided argument
Return values
GOLIOTH_OKCallback ran successfully
GOLIOTH_ERR_*Indicate error type encountered by callback

Definition at line 66 of file stream.h.

Function Documentation

◆ golioth_stream_blockwise_finish()

void golioth_stream_blockwise_finish ( struct blockwise_transfer * ctx)

Destroy a multi-block upload context

Free the memory allocated for a given multi-block upload context.

ctxBlock upload context to be destroyed

◆ golioth_stream_blockwise_set_block_async()

enum golioth_status golioth_stream_blockwise_set_block_async ( struct blockwise_transfer * ctx,
uint32_t block_idx,
const uint8_t * block_buffer,
size_t data_len,
bool is_last,
golioth_set_block_cb_fn callback,
void * callback_arg )

Set an object in stream at a particular path by sending each block asynchronously

Call this function for each block. For each call you must increment the block_idx, adjust the block_buffer pointer and update the data_len. On the final block, set is_last to true. Block size is determined by the value of CONFIG_GOLIOTH_BLOCKWISE_DOWNLOAD_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE.

Create a new ctx by calling golioth_stream_blockwise_start. The same ctx must be used for all blocks in a related upload. Generate a new ctx for each new upload operation. Free the context memory by calling golioth_stream_blockwise_finish.

An optional callback and callback argument may be supplied. The callback will be called after the block is uploaded to provide access to status and CoAP response codes.

ctxBlock upload context used for all blocks in a related upload operation
block_idxThe index of the block being sent
block_bufferThe buffer where the data for this block is located
data_lenThe actual length of data (in bytes) for this block. This should be equal to CONFIG_GOLIOTH_BLOCKWISE_DOWNLOAD_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE for all blocks except for the final block, which may be shorter
is_lastSet this to true if this is the last block in the upload
callbackA callback that will be called after each block is sent (can be NULL)
callback_argAn optional user provided argument that will be passed to callback (can be NULL)

◆ golioth_stream_blockwise_start()

struct blockwise_transfer * golioth_stream_blockwise_start ( struct golioth_client * client,
const char * path,
enum golioth_content_type content_type )

Create a multipart blockwise upload context

Creates the context and returns a pointer to it. This context is used to associate all blocks of a multipart upload together. A new context is needed at the start of each multipart blockwise upload operation.

clientThe client handle from golioth_client_create
pathThe path in stream to set (e.g. "my_obj")
content_typeThe content type of the object (e.g. JSON or CBOR)

◆ golioth_stream_set_async()

enum golioth_status golioth_stream_set_async ( struct golioth_client * client,
const char * path,
enum golioth_content_type content_type,
const uint8_t * buf,
size_t buf_len,
golioth_set_cb_fn callback,
void * callback_arg )

Set an object in stream at a particular path asynchronously

This function will enqueue a request and return immediately without waiting for a response from the server. Optionally, the user may supply a callback that will be called when the response is received (indicating the request was acknowledged by the server) or a timeout occurs (response never received).

clientThe client handle from golioth_client_create
pathThe path in stream to set (e.g. "my_obj")
content_typeThe serialization format of buf
bufA buffer containing the object to send
buf_lenLength of buf
callbackCallback to call on response received or timeout. Can be NULL.
callback_argCallback argument, passed directly when callback invoked. Can be NULL.
Return values
GOLIOTH_OKrequest enqueued
GOLIOTH_ERR_NULLinvalid client handle
GOLIOTH_ERR_INVALID_STATEclient is not running, currently stopped
GOLIOTH_ERR_MEM_ALLOCmemory allocation error
GOLIOTH_ERR_QUEUE_FULLrequest queue is full, this request is dropped

◆ golioth_stream_set_blockwise_sync()

enum golioth_status golioth_stream_set_blockwise_sync ( struct golioth_client * client,
const char * path,
enum golioth_content_type content_type,
stream_read_block_cb cb,
void * arg )

Set an object in stream at a particular path synchronously

This function will block until the whole transfer is complete, or errors out.

clientThe client handle from golioth_client_create
pathThe path in stream to set (e.g. "my_obj")
content_typeThe content type of the object (e.g. JSON or CBOR)
cbA callback that will be used to fill each block in the transfer
argAn optional user provided argument that will be passed to cb

◆ golioth_stream_set_sync()

enum golioth_status golioth_stream_set_sync ( struct golioth_client * client,
const char * path,
enum golioth_content_type content_type,
const uint8_t * buf,
size_t buf_len,
int32_t timeout_s )

Set an object in stream at a particular path synchronously

This function will block until one of three things happen (whichever comes first):

  1. A response is received from the server
  2. The user-provided timeout_s period expires without receiving a response
  3. The default GOLIOTH_COAP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_S period expires without receiving a response
clientThe client handle from golioth_client_create
pathThe path in stream to set (e.g. "my_obj")
content_typeThe serialization format of buf
bufA buffer containing the object to send
buf_lenLength of buf
timeout_sThe timeout, in seconds, for receiving a server response